Non-Govermental Organization

Women and Girls

Gender Equality, Inclusion and Prevention of Gender Based Violence

Universal Biocare Organization conducted training, sensitization and research to understand the specific challenges women face in terms of property and inheritance rights.
The main objective of the project being to ensure women and girls have equal rights to economic opportunities and rights to own properties for intergeneration equality and economic development as men.
Women, girls and men enjoying higher level of equality and economic standards raised, declining of dispossession of windows and girls from 80 % to 40% and Societal attitudinal change about women and economic rights.

Workshops and training on clauses of the Kenyan constitution about gender equality,
good governance and participation in decision making.
Communities appreciating women leadership and
supporting them. Women are empowered to process land and other transfer

Training and establishing linkages with government agencies from various wards and
officers of affirmative, decentralized fund and doing simulations to enable
women and youth develop business plans.
Women and Youths accessing enterprise development funds from affirmative
funds and taking full responsibility with community
support. More incomes from IGA and increase in house hold
standards of living.